The Best Coffee: How To Brew the Perfect Cup at Home

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Last Updated on 1/16/2023

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Best Cup of Coffee, Huh? Skeptical.

Have you ever gone to a coffee shop and expected absolute greatness after seeing the prices? How often were you let down?

Today I’m going to teach you how to make the perfect cup of coffee. It isn’t a specific bean, roast, or flavor profile. No, the perfect cup of coffee has to do with the secret ingredients and the benefit the coffee has for your body.

I’m talking about Metabolism-Boosting Super Coffee! It’s not clickbait or a buzz word – I’m positive you’ll agree that the flavor and texture of this coffee will knock your socks off and have you absolutely jacked for your cup every morning.

Curious? Good, let’s get into it!

Secret Ingredients: The Benefits of MCT Oil & Grass-Fed Butter

You may have heard of MCT oil, but do you actually know what it is? Before getting into the benefits, it’s important to first cover what MCTs even are.

LCTs, or Long-Chain Triglycerides, are a commonly consumed type of fat. These are fats like soy oil, corn oil, and sunflower seed oil. MCTs, or Medium-Chain Triglycerides, are less common and are found in things like coconut oil, nuts, and avocados.

So what are the benefits of MCT oil, you ask? Well, thanks to the shorter nature of MCTs, the human body is able to process them quickly. They go right to your liver, where they can then be processed for a quick burst of energy or converted to ketones if in a carbohydrate deficit (did your ears perk up, keto dieters?).

So how does this wind up benefiting you?

Long story short, MCTs are rocket fuel for your body and can help in many ways. But how do we prepare them in our coffee?

To Blend or Not To Blend?

Do you like a frothier drink, like a latte? Or do you prefer black coffee? Your method of making the drink will depend on this.

First and foremost, I would encourage everyone to try blending the ingredients to see if it you like it. The mixture does froth and the flavor changes slightly, but man is it good! And this is coming from a guy that heavily prefers no flavoring in his coffee.

While they can be consumed in coffee without mixing, the oils don’t mix well at all when stirred by hand. Coffee is more dense than MCT oil and butter, so the two separate from one another when combined. If you aren’t blending the drink, make sure you stir the drink regularly to make sure you aren’t just drinking the MCT oil and melted butter that are on top.

If you prefer black coffee and don’t enjoy the blended flavor, my suggestion is to just use the MCT oil and leave out the butter. This still provides the awesome silky texture but makes the regular stirring a bit easier. As a lover of black coffee, I’ll occasionally drink mine this way instead of blending it.

Recommended Tools

All right, let’s get into brewing methods! While you can brew this however you’d like (French press, traditional carafe, K-Cup), my preference is the pour over method. I’ve found this really brings out the flavor of the beans and provides a more robust aromatic experience while also taking a bit more time to make the process really enjoyable.

Kettle – Boiled water in a pot will work, but a kettle mkes the process SO much easier and more enjoyable.

Pour Over Coffee Maker

Pour Over Filters


Food Scale

Small Blender – Update: My ALDI blender and my Ninja Nutri Pro blender broke.  I now use the handheld milk brother linked below, and man is it a game changer.  Clean, quick, and efficient!


Ghee Butter


  • I prefer whole bean coffee that I can grind as needed. I’ve tried the pour over method with pre-ground coffee and found the flavor to be lacking.
  • Flavoring is up to you. Traditional roasts are my preference, but I’ve had French Vanilla whole bean coffee and it was outstanding as well.
  • Regular or Decaf will work. I take a pre-workout supplement before my 5am workout every morning, so I prefer decaffeinated coffee after finishing to hold me over until 8am when my fast ends.
  • Bulletproof Regular and Decaf coffee – Both are great choices and are staples in our kitchen
    • 15% off your order with the promo code FIThinking15


  • A phone timer works great!

Pour over coffee

The Recipe / Instructions

All right, tools at the ready? Let’s brew some Metabolism-Boosting Super Coffee!


  • 220 calories
  • 25 grams fat
  • 0g protein
  • 0g carbohydrates


  1. Fill the kettle with water and turn on/activate the heating element.
  2.  Weigh out 15g of coffee beans (per cup) and grind them. The flavor will be dictated by how coarse or fine the beans are ground, so play with a few different settings over a few cups to see what your preference is.
  3.  (If blending) Measure out 14g of MCT oil and 1 tbsp grass-fed butter in the blender. If using a compact blender with a removable plastic container, microwave the ingredients for 10-15 seconds to melt the butter. This will keep the coffee from cooling too quickly when blending with the butter.
  4.  By this time your water should be hot. Set the coffee maker on the scale, ready the filter, and pour a small amount of water over the entire filter. This will heat the glass and remove any paper taste from the filter. Pour out the water.
  5.  Pour the coffee grounds into the filter, ensuring that the top is flat. Create a small hole in the middle to pour the first round of water into and tare the scale.
  6.  Pour first round of water, around twice the weight of the coffee (ex. if using 15g of coffee, 30-40g of water). Make sure all grounds are wet and let sit for 45 second to “bloom”. This will allow the carbon dioxide to escape from the coffee.
  7.  Pour an additional 100g of water into the filter slowly. Lightly swirl the coffee filter or stir briefly with a spoon to agitate the coffee grounds. Let sit for an additional 45 seconds.
  8.  Pour the remaining water into the filter and let sit for an additional 45 seconds. 

Once all water has passed through the filter, transfer the coffee to the blender you prepared and blend for 15-20 seconds. Transfer to your favorite mug, have a seat, and enjoy!

If you opted to not blend the coffee and skipped Step 3, simply measure out 14g of MCT oil into your mug and stir as you drink your silky smooth coffee.

So there you have it – the perfect cup of coffee! Did you enjoy it? Do you have recommendations to make it even better? Let us know in the comments!


Father, fitness nut, nerd. True to form, my favorite things in life are my family, my fitness, and optimizing my financial well-being. Oh, and video games.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Maureen

    Great post!

    1. David

      Thank you! Glad you liked it 🙌

  2. Jmsmit33

    Awesome idea with the blending. I tried the grass fed butter and MCT oil and totally love it but definitely had to keep stirring it before each sip until I tried the blending. Blending it or using my little frother mixed it well and makes it a pretty awesome consistency. Thanks David!

    1. David

      Thanks, glad you like the article! Great callout on the handheld frother, that’s definitely another good option.

  3. Laverne Kollos

    “If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary.”— Malcolm X

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