Hey everyone, we’re back with another health-related article this week! This time the topic will be focused on keeping a very important, but often neglected, body organ: the brain. Let’s get into how eating healthy fats can optimize your brain activity and improve your metabolism while also helping to stave off long-term neurological issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is a topic that’s near and dear to me, so let’s get into it!
What Fats Can Make Your Brain Healthier? And How?
Before we get into the meat (and actionable part) of the article, let’s have a look at what the brain is made up of to understand how this all connects.
Your Brain Is a Fatty
Yeah, I said it. The human brain is nearly 60% fat. This isn’t the type of fat that you’d find on your belly, though! That’s made up of visceral fat and subcutaneous fat. The fats in the brain are actualy made up of structural fats, which are critical for the structure of your cells. These help to streamline the communication and transfer of nutrients to and from the cells. The brain actually doesn’t have any of those visceral or subcutaneous fats at all.
So a big part of the brain’s makeup is fat – structural fat, specifically. Because these fats support the critical functions of our brains, we need to supply our body with a consistent supply to make sure it’s always operating at peak performance. You’re probably wondering the same thing I was when I looked into this. What are the healthy fats I should be eating, and how can I get them?

Healthy Fat #1: Omega-3 Fatty Acids
You’ve probably heard of Omega-3 fatty acids if you’ve done any research into health and nutrition. These are the most prominent structural fats in the brain and they have a dramatic effect when adequate amounts are consumed. We’ll cover two types of Omega-3 fatty acids here: DHA and EPA.
DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid) and EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid)
DHA and EPA are fatty acids that can be found in cold-water fatty fish. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published research that identified that test subjects saw an increase of dietary Omega-3 DHA fatty acids resulted in an improvement to both memory and reaction time.
Research published in the journal Neurology also shows something very interesting. People that don’t consume the appropriate amount of Omega-3 fatty acids actually experience brain shrinkage. Literally. This can lead to long-term brain-related problems down the road.
It was also noted that not eating enough Omega-3 fatty acids is also damaging to the memory center of the brain, the hippocampus, by enabling the loss of neurons that equal two years of age.
How Can I Get That Omega-3 Goodness In Me?
You can find DHA and EPA in cold-water fatty fish like salmon, herring, and sardines. You can also find it in non-meaty sources like seaweed, which is a very light food that’s dense in nutrients. I love snacking on a serving of organic seaweed chips each morning. They aren’t filling by any means, but they’re definitely tasty and nutritious.
Another source is in fish oil supplements, which can vary in quality. It’s important to consider the quality and ratio of ingredients, so definitely pay close attention to the label. I personally take Costco’s Wild Alaskan Fish Oil every day due to the quality and ratio of the ingredients. I started off taking their default fish oil supplement, but after comparing the ingredients of the two it was much better to take the more expensive (and healthier) Wild Alaskan option. An alternative for those without a Costco membership would be this Alaskan Salmon Oil from Amazon.
So How Much Should I Have Each Day?
The research indicated that individuals consuming 6 grams or more of Omega-3 fatty acids per day are the most likely to avoid brain shrinkage. Those that consumed adequate amounts also saw improved cognitive performance, according to a study cited in the Nutrition Journal.
Healthy Fat #2: MCTs (Medium-Chain Triglycerides)
All right, if you’ve followed my blog at all you know that I’m all about MCT Oil. It’s a critical ingredient in our metabolism-boosting super coffee, and I go into detail on how MCTs can be improve your metabolism in that recipe’s article.
MCTs also have benefits to brain health, though! These guys are unique in that they can enter and be used by the brain more easily than other fatty acids, according to research from Yale University. They also have been shown to improve the cognitive function of those with early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s Disease, a terrible illness that is becoming more and more prominent every year.
How Can I Get That MCT Goodness In Me?
MCTs can be found in specific oils and dairy products. Things like organic coconut oil, MCT oil (I personally use Bulletproof’s MCT oil every day), and dairy products like cow’s milk and goat’s milk.
So How Much Should I Have Each Day?
The ideal amount of MCT oil is 1-2 tablespoons. I’d recommend only consuming one 14-gram serving per day until you get used to it, though. Taking too much can result in some slight digestive upset, so start slowly. I recommend mixing it into a morning cup of coffee or green tea for a delicious, silky wake up beverage.
Healthy Fat #3: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
Ah, now we get to cooking ingredients. While fat has gotten a bad rap (how can eating fat be good for you when we don’t want to be fat, right?), getting it from the right sources is actually extremely healthy. Let’s talk about my favorite cooking ingredient next: EVOO.
According to research published in ACS Chemical Neuroscience, EVOO is able to assist the brain barrier’s function of filtering the bad out while allowing the good in. In addition to strengthening the brain barrier, EVOO also helps to reduce inflammation in the brain, which can be tied to memory loss, vision loss, and the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.
But wait, there’s more! EVOO also improves autophagy, which is the brain’s process of cleaning out bad brain cells that is critical to letting the brain make new memories. Pretty important stuff, right?
How Can I Get That EVOO Goodness In Me?
EVOO is on the shelves of any grocery store. You should aim for around 2 or 3 tablespoons of this each day, or around 30-40 grams. According to Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, those that ate at least 24 grams of EVOO per day saw an 80% decrease in their risk of getting Alzheimer’s Disease compared to those that consumed 15 grams or less per day.
One important thing to note: EVOO loses most of its nutritional value when cooked at high heat, negating most of the benefits we just covered. When cooking with EVOO, make sure to cook at low or low-medium heat; it may take a little longer to cook, but you’ll be locking in that cognitive goodness!
I personally get my daily dose by sautéing my 100 grams of spinach in 2 tablespoons of EVOO at low heat. Throw in a little minced garlic as well for added benefit and eat alongside or on top of your morning eggs for an extremely delicious, nutritious breakfast!
All right, let’s recap for those that just want the critical info.
- Fats aren’t bad – at least not all of them. Healthy fats are critical to the health for your brain and your body.
- Your brain is a fatty organ that needs specific fatty nutrients to be in peak condition. Focus on giving it what it needs so you can be at your best!
- Omega-3 Fatty Acids are extremely important to your overall brain health. Shoot for 6 grams or more per day by eating things like fatty fish, tasty seaweed chips, and targeted fish oil supplements.
- Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are beneficial on multiple fronts: quick nutrition for the brain, improved cognitive function, and metabolism-boosting benefits! Aim to consume 1-2 tablespoons (14-28 grams) per day to see the greatest benefit.
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) boosts your brain’s defensive barrier to keep the right things in and the wrong things out. It also helps to reduce brain inflammation and allow the formation of new memories!

Good stuff! I use MCT oil every day in my morning coffee. Really liking the Bulletproof MCT I got through your link.