End of Year Running Goals and Plans for 2025

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End of Year Running Goals and Plans for 2025

Reflecting on My Running Journey

Hey everyone! With the cooler weather and the leaves turning red and gold, I’m reminded that change is always happening around us. It got me thinking about my own goals and what I want to accomplish to finish this year strong. In this post, I’m going to share my goals for the rest of 2024, a glimpse into my goals for 2025, and how my focus has shifted away from “getting jacked/swole/build like a brick house” to running goals.

Moving Away from Weight Training

This past year, I decided to do less weight training. To be honest, weight lifting started to feel boring. I’ve reached most of the goals I set, and learned a lot about my personal limits—both mentally and physically. At this point, “getting jacked” just doesn’t appeal to me anymore.

These days, I’m more interested in improving my overall health. I’m focusing on my respiratory and cardiovascular fitness, and running has become an exciting new challenge to address that. I never thought of myself as a “runner”—I always thought running was for other people, just like I used to think having a six-pack was for those that were more genetically-gifted.

But now, I’m pushing myself to accomplish something else I never thought I could do, and it’s been really exciting! It’s about breaking down the limits I set for myself and seeing what I can actually accomplish. This gives me the biggest high I’ve ever experienced – delayed gratification is just the best.

So…what are my goals for running?

Fitness Goals for the Rest of the Year: Running

Running Focus

My main running goal for the rest of this year is to keep progressing. I want to slowly increase my distance so that, by the end of the year, I can run a half-marathon distance. I’m not planning to run a competitive half marathon this year because of the brutal Midwest winters, but I still aim to complete that distance on my own. 

It feels like a great way to finish 2024 and show how much I’ve grown. Considering I’ve pushed from no running to over 6 miles at a sub-10 minute/mile pace in a couple months, I think I’m on the right track!  

And no, I haven’t stopped weight lifting.  I’m still lifting 3 days per week, just with a focus on full-body within 3 days instead of 7.

Weekly Training Plan

My current training plan includes running two to three times a week with my Vibram Five Fingers shoes. Right now, I’m running a bit more than six miles each time. The Vibram Five Fingers shoes have truly changed how I run. These shoes, which simulate barefoot running, allow me to run without the knee and back pain I used to have—and often used as an excuse to avoid running.

The reason these shoes are so effective is really interesting. After reading the book Born to Run, which talks about how the Tarahumara people run, I learned that humans are actually built for long-distance running. Modern running shoes can sometimes get in the way of that.

The Vibrams help me maintain good form and feel more connected to the ground, like the Tarahumara do. This has made running longer distances much more comfortable, and the progress (along with the fatigue, which decades of weight lifting have taught me to crave) has been a big motivator to keep going.

I’m also doing the 75 Hard challenge again, which I restarted on September 1st—my third time doing it! I’ll share updates soon, but here’s a teaser: it didn’t take me 53 days to hit the breakthrough moment this time. Turns out, lessons learned help make progress faster each time!

Using a 25-lb weighted vest has also been a big help in building my endurance (kudos to my bro Jordan for the idea!). I’ve been wearing it during my walks, and it has really improved my stamina and strength. Even on days when I’m not running, the vest helps me get more out of my workouts, keeping me challenged and moving toward my goals.

Looking Ahead to 2025: Expanding My Limits

I’ve also been working on my Japanese every day since October 2022. My goal is to reach an N4 level (roughly middle school level) before my upcoming 10-day trip to Japan in early April next year. This will be the first time I’ve gone back since my last trip in 2023, where I’d only been really invested in learning Japanese for around 6 months! The return trip will help me build my conversational skills with proper immersion and make the most of my experience.

For 2025, my theme is “expansion.” I want to keep pushing my limits. This means training for a full marathon, which will test both my body and my mind, and experiencing new cultural adventures, like my follow-up trip to Japan for 花見 (Hanami, or cherry blossom viewing). This has always been a dream of mine, and I can’t wait to see the cherry blossoms, explore less touristy places, and get another chance to immerse myself after an additional two years of consistent Japanese language learning.

What Are YOUR Goals?

How about you? What goals are you working on as we move into the new year? I’d love to hear about your journey—feel free to share your goals in the comments!


Father, fitness nut, nerd. True to form, my favorite things in life are my family, my fitness, and optimizing my financial well-being. Oh, and video games.

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